About Me

Full Name

Sepideh Souris, Psy.D.


Dr. Sepideh Souris is the Chief of Psychological Services of the Psychological Services Unit (PSU) for the County of Los Angeles. As Chief of Psychological Services, Dr. Souris oversees a variety of police and public safety-related evaluations including Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluations of employees for all 40 departments and commissions within the County of Los Angeles. She has served as an “Expert Witness” in over 15 cases with the Civil Service Commission, as well as two cases with LA County Superior Court. She conducts multiple trainings including Pre-employment Psychological Evaluations, Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations, Assessment of Threat and Workplace Violence, and at the request of US State Department, she was a presenter discussing a range of salient topics on the pre-employment psychological evaluation of law enforcement personnel at the 4th international conference in Mexico city, Mexico. Her professional experience has included having a private practice dedicated to conducting FFDEs, appeals, and expert witness cases, as well as training. She has also been assistant clinical professor at UCLA, Geffen School of Medicine; and adjunct professor at several other universities including Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology, and California State University, Fullerton.

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